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Phone Call At Night

The phone rang at 2.39 at night
Actually, it gave me quite a fright
As it lay on the table next to my bed
and its tones shrilled up and into my head.
A myriad of thoughts ran through my brain
As I answered, apprehensive, almost in pain.
Is it family, a loved one ringing back home,
As I placed my ear tentavely
next to the phone.
But the line went silent, then quite dead
and all that was left was my worried head.
For two hours more,
I tried relaxing and calm
To settle me down, to act as a balm
To the turbulent thoughts left there in my brain

I thought it was gone when it crept back again.
One hour later, I rose and made tea
A couple of tablets and biscuits for me
Who wanted to reach us out there in the world
Pressed 1471
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